Mon, 23 Aug
|Hofburg Gardens
Film presentation - Idi i smotri (Come and see)
Filmpresentation in the Hofburg gardens UdSSR 1985, 142 min., original with German subtitles
Time & Place
23 Aug 2021, 21:00
Hofburg Gardens, Hofburgplatz 2, 39042 Bressanone, South Tyrol, Italy
About the event
At first, Florya is a curious child, almost eager to fight for his country, unaware of the dramas of war. At first he feels stimulated, sees things positively. But then - as a result of a long march through villages, swamps, fields and forests - his psyche changes. Anger grows and as a result hatred and vengefulness arise, two feelings no child should feel. Anger and hatred consume him until he breaks inside.
A masterful and poignant film, Idi i smotri, Come and See. Without masks, without moralistic tones. The title is a quotation from the Revelation of John, which understands redemption in the Holy Scriptures as the vision of an unimaginable world. In this masterpiece, the vision occurs in the gaze of a boy to whom the unimaginable destruction is revealed. Not the realisation of life, but the realisation of death. The film is set in Belarus, the protagonist is Florya, who is thrown to the war front to fight off the cruel attempt of the Nazi occupation.
Directed and written by Elem Klimov, with Ales Adamovich, Cinematography by Aleksei Rodionov, Editing by Valeriva Belova, Music by O. Yanchenko, Starring a.o.: Aleksei Kravchenko, Olga Mironova
In collaboration with Filmclub Brixen Bressanone